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Product SEO

For organizations with their own product team and internal development department


We develop a comprehensive SEO plan that includes future traffic assessment and key financial metrics

  • Image of the list - 1

    We will analyze your product plan, evaluate the market potential in the context of search queries, and perform a comparative analysis with competitors

  • Image of the list - 2

    We will plan the necessary resources and coordinate the SEO strategy with your product goals

  • Image of the list - 3

    We will conduct a financial assessment of all SEO initiatives and make a traffic forecast for the next two years




SEO elements and small texts



Expanding the directory structure



Broken links



Evaluating tasks in terms of difficulty


We will demonstrate the effectiveness of SEO in financial terms and other business indicators

  • Image of the list - 1

    Our main KPIs correspond to the key indicators of the reporting system

  • Image of the list - 2

    Analyzing SEO revenue by taking into account important metrics, including the number of users, average receipt, and ARPU

  • Image of the list - 3

    Creating a clear SEO model with a growth plan, cost calculation, and implementation priorities

  • visitors, in thousands

    Chart - visitors, in thousands
  • number of orders

    Chart - number of orders
  • revenue, in millions of rubles

    Chart - revenue, in millions of rubles

Example of calculating a forecast based on financial indicators

  • historical data
  • forecast data

Project team

Point of contact: project manager for business needs and direct contact with an analyst for IT professionals

Team pic

  • Strategic planner

    creates a general strategy and detailed plan, defines key performance indicators (KPIs)

  • Copywriters

    create attractive and SEO-efficient LSI texts

  • Link tactics specialist

    develops strategies for effectively building external links

  • Leading SEO optimizer

    responsible for the quality of the work performed; monitors the achievement of KPIs

  • Assistants to Leading SEO Optimizer

    perform tasks in accordance with the established strategy

  • The content manager

    responsible for publishing the final content on the website

  • Web Data Analyst

    configures web analysis tools

  • UX/UI Specialist

    interface on the website

  • Designer

    develops a landing page

Get to know our team

Service Level

Integrating into your business as an internal SEO department

  • Image of the list - 1

    Quick response to IT team requests, within 20-30 minutes

  • Image of the list - 2

    Initial SEO testing within 1-2 hours

  • Image of the list - 3

    Monitoring tool instantly detects issues resulting from website modifications

Service Level Service Level
Personalized reporting with automation

IT Expertise

Effective communication with product managers and IT professionals

  • Image of the list - 1

    We identify the unique needs of the Front-End and Back-End users, modifying offers according to the website structure

  • Image of the list - 2

    Provide a variety of solution options in the terms of reference, illustrated with examples and links for detailed study

  • Image of the list - 3

    Engage in dialogue with developers about implementing modern technologies, including SSR, Angular, and Prerender





Adding a link section to the distributor's “Buy%brand%near me” page 10%


Commercial section

Development of the commercial section



Optimization of the reviews section



Creating and optimizing compilations


Table template for coordinating tasks with the development team

Advertising and SEO

Integrating SEO into marketing and PR initiatives

  • Image of the list - 1

    Strengthening your advertising and PR activities by providing an SEO perspective

  • Image of the list - 2

    Training your content creators and writers to produce search engine-optimized texts

  • Image of the list - 3

    Developing strategies for content aimed at both your internal media resources and external media platforms

Chart - 1

Improved positioning after implementing text strategies

Chart - 2

Increased website’s online visibility with embedded texts

Our clients

  • Client
  • Client
  • Client
  • Client
  • Client
  • Client
  • Client
  • Client
  • Client
  • Client
  • Client
  • Client
  • Client
  • Client
  • Client



Evgeniy Syzrantsev, co-founder MIG

Guys, thank you so much! Everything went according to plan and we’re overbooked =) Huge thanks for the support, quick responses, and help with complex issues. We definitely couldn't have done it without you, and we would like to keep growing our partnership, we hope everything will be ok )
Everyone in our target audience in Kazakhstan knows about our conference =) Your work on settings played a huge role in this. Thanks again!

Gabriel Miller

Our company is a manufacturer of Electrolux appliances. We approached DS Team with the aim of increasing traffic to our website, increasing the number of subscribers to our Facebook groups and improving their engagement.
We would like to express our gratitude for the collaboration, especially for the comprehensive approach to all issues. DS Team helped us develop a strategy for our social media platforms and proposed various solutions to achieve our goals. Throughout our relationship, the team has been prompt in resolving any issues that have arisen and has been flexible in adapting the advertising strategy to meet our needs.
We would like to thank the DS Team for their cooperation in optimising and promoting our company and would recommend them as a reliable partner!

Maxim Faldin

Our product "Silverbird" is a financial service for international trade. We turned to DS Team agency with the goal to increase organic traffic in Google for UK region.
We would like to thank you for the cooperation so far especially given
the fact that you were there during the first steps of the company and
helped with a lot of things even outside the SEO remit.
DS team helped us to develop the blog strategy and offered
various solutions to the task at hand. During our work they promptly
solved the issues and with understanding adjusted the promotion
strategy to our demands.
We thank the DS Team for the joint work on the
optimization and promotion of Silverbird and we would recommend
our colleagues as a reliable contractor!

Commercial Department

Our company Holz House has been engaged in the construction of modern houses made of laminated timber since 1998. And for the past 7 years we have been cooperating with the DS Team for Paid Search and SEO. We would like to express our gratitude and leave a positive review about this agency.
The main task is to get leads from all possible traffic sources, which will be converted into contracts and construction projects, and DS Team successfully copes with this task. Colleagues have written several cases based on our cooperation: on the growth of SEO traffic, on the increase in the effectiveness of paid traffic and the features of interaction and promotion in our field.
From the very beginning of our interaction, the company's team has demonstrated a high level of professionalism, efficiency in solving emerging issues and, most importantly for us, a responsible approach to fulfilling assigned tasks.

Alexander Kirov

For us in Picaboo, SEO is one of the main sources of traffic.
Therefore, we turned to the DS Team for help in optimization, as we have long been familiar with their expertise.
Colleagues have proven that they are a responsible partner who can be relied upon.
Proactive approach, striving to achieve results, transparency in work and prompt communication – everything is fine.
Good luck to your colleagues and we recommend you for cooperation.

Marketing Department

Wectory is a London-based financial service for landlords and tenants. DS Team agency helped us with our first sales in 2021 through social media channels, Google Ads and Apple Ads in the UK.

We would like to highlight their speed, flexibility and willingness to respond quickly to our requests. Within a few months, the goals of our marketing campaign were achieved, and the right channels were found. The DS Team took full responsibility for managing the advertising campaigns, preparing the creatives, optimising the launched campaigns, providing regular reports on the work done and were always in touch.

We are ready to recommend DS as a trusted partner.

Marketing Department

We are the main distributors for the sale of Electrolux appliances and we have been cooperating with DS Team agency for a year as partners in the direction of conducting advertising campaigns on Facebook.

Our task was to find an agency that would be able to show results in the first months of work. This is exactly what was realized with DS Team.

Working with them is all about having a clear, well-organized plan that meets our KPI goals.

Note that a responsible, professional approach is always maintained. Quick response to any requests for urgency, complexity, non-triviality.

That’s why we’re always ready to recommend DS Team as a progressive guys in the field of marketing who are dive deep into the business and show really strong results.

Artyom Degtyarev

Dunice has been developing web and mobile applications since 2012. We contacted the DS Team agency 2.5 years ago with the task of launching Paid traffic sources. It was important for us to get real target leads that are converted into customers. The colleagues coped with their task, and over the years of cooperation, a large number of tools and mechanics have been tested. The team does its job professionally, and we are satisfied with the result. We highly appreciate the professionalism and approach of each of the agencies, from expert specialists to operational managers. We recommend DS Team as a reliable contractor and wish our colleagues development!

Roman Lebed

Throughout the entire period of work on the myQuiz project, the DS Team has established itself as a responsible and reliable partner.
Our task was to conduct a high-quality audit of the site, which our colleagues from DS coped with perfectly. They have prepared a large number of recommendations for optimizing the site based on careful analysis and comparison with competitors.
We thank the DS Team agency for its high-quality work and proactivity. We hope for further cooperation and are ready to involve the DS Team as a reliable partner in our projects in the future.